Also known as the Devil's Triangle, the Bermuda Triangle is a 1.5-million-square-mile area of ocean roughly defined by Bermuda, Puerto Rico, and the southern tip of Florida. Many strange happenings have occurred within this area.
In 1944, seven bombers in World War II left the U.S. to go to Italy. They rested in Bermuda, then left. Almost an hour away from Bermuda, one of the planes went out of control. The plane was flipping and bouncing all over the place. After their unexpected experience, they returned to Bermuda. There, they learned that five of the other six planes had disappeared. The sixth plane returned intact. The next recorded disappearance didn't occur until 1963. It happened when two four-engine planes disappeared 300 miles southwest of Bermuda. A short while after that, in June of 1965, a small plane vanished with a crew of ten. The most unbelievable event, though, was in 1967. Passengers on the cruise ship Queen Elizabeth I saw a plane about 100 yards away disappear into thin air.
Among many other unexplainable events, in 1998, the Coast Guard answered 8,000 distress calls in the Triangle. Since 1945, 100 ships and 1,000 lives have been lost in the Triangle.
Due to erratic storm patterns, it is possible that a strong squall can uncover sunken ruins for a short time, until they are only covered up again by the ocean floor. This could explain why, if the ruins of Atlantis are indeed in the Triangle's perimeters, the Lost Civilization has yet to be located. In accordance with Edgar Cayce's readings, should the ruins be under the waters of the Bermuda Triangle and the alleged Fire Crystals are still functioning, the crystals' unpredictable abilities can easily be the culprit for the disappearances and strange happenings. They could even be the cause of the reported sightings of glowing lights under the waters.

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